As you might expect, the media is doing their best to find other inappropriate messages sent from ex representative Mark Foley. Well, we recently got our hot little hands on this letter sent by then Congressman Mark Foley to Dave Thomas, the CEO of Wendy's International.
Dear Mr. Thomas:
I would like to share a recent experience I had at one of your Florida locations. After a long day of doing "meet and greets" and "grab and pulls," there is nothing I like to do more than have a filling meal before a night of "slap and tickle" with young well oiled young boys. On this particular night I drove through a Wendy's drive through and ordered what I believed would be a "hot and juicy" Big Dave Deluxe. Mr. Thomas, I know what is hot and juicy, and I also know what is big. Mr. Thomas, your sandwich was neither.
Needless to say, after this limp and flacid experience, my night sagged. Billy's mom had a pilates class so he had to leave early and where else am I going to find a date after 9:00 pm on a school night?
Mr. Thomas, I would like you to make this right. I would like to invite you to come down to Florida to speak about your charity work. Afterwards, I fully expect a private session with you in the kitchen to determine exactly what is hot and juicy. Furthermore, I would like you to wear the red leather pants Mike Reno from Loverboy is famous for wearing.
Thank you for serving your country!
Mark Foley
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