Sep 10, 2007

Ask Darth:

My reader axe me questions that is important to him.

Dear Darth:
You have lost your sunny disposition.
Turn that frown upside down, sad clown!

Your Pal Tim

Dear Tim:
I would love to turn your frown upside down by dangling your ass from a Minneapolis expansion bridge, but alas I don't care enough to do so.


Dear Darth:
How many beans does it take to make a robust cup of coffee?

Your Pal Tim

Dear Tim:
You pretentious fuck. I don't want your java swilling types around my site. I say you take this "experiment" back you your third grade science teacher and see if you can get extra credit points for being an asshole.


Dear Darth:
I'm thinking of a number. What is it?

Your Pal Tim

Dear Tim:
WTF? Don't you have any friends? You probably can't count much higher than 3 so I am going to go with 2. It's two, isn't it? God you are pathetic.


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