Note: Tell me this isn't the coolest flag ever. I dare you. I look forward to being chauffeured in a limo adorned with tiny little bacon flags.
Will be to formally secede from the union and to create a place where true Americans will be able to thrive and prosper and enjoy their own personal freedoms as they once were. I ask you to all join me in Asheville, NC where we will live in one nation, under bacon, with links, and sausage for all.
This gives new meaning to government pork HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA oh I slay me.
Remind me to bitch slap you with a pack of Jimmy Dean's finest the next time I see you.
Can I slap him, too? I'm going to see him soon!
And I thought there'd be no entertainment at the reunion.
Warning: Word on the street is that he might enjoy it. Instead, introduce him to people as Jim Murtaugh.
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