So there has been much debate on Ubermilf regarding Larry Craig and how he fits into the Downer's Grove South Class of 1987. Apparently Ubermilf, her husband, myself, and CTK, all were in the same class at DGS. It seems that while CTK and I knew each other, we may have known of Ubermilf and husband, but that's about it (it was a big school). I still don't think she knows of my true identity as I have hijacked another classmates persona on the reunion page to use as my own (hint: HE's on this page, and I didn't graduate at DGS).
Anyway, the scuttle on Ubermilf's blog is that she and her ex-husband divorced because he "went all Larry Craig on her." Yes, he found his sexuality in an airport restroom -- or at least he turned gay at a truck stop, or Greyhound terminal... let's just leave it that he was straight and he is now gay.
For days we tried to figure out who it was. Was it Ed Marzewski, Steve Slomiany, Fred Abbott? It was exciting to guess who it could be. In the end, it was a guy that we'd never heard of. Boy was that depressing. I am now going to talk to the State of Illinois to see if I can change the name of the person she married to Todd Gilchrist and then we can savor this for a while.
Regardless, we have never discussed what made him go "all Larry Craig." What horrible thing did she do to him? Or, did he just go out to dinner one night, order Scampi and decided that he liked blowing guys? To me, that's where the meat of the story lies.
I've heard that you can catch the gay from playing Jenga. I bet that's what happened.
I think his locker was next to yours in gym class.
You really need to turn down the sexy.
And please, it was my FORMER husband.
My current husband went to Carl Sandburg in Palos or Orland or something.
Carl Sandburg? GAY.
Ever since I brought sexy back, I have been trying to return it. Damn receipts.
Was Carl Sandburg gay? Not all poets are gay, you know.
No, but Carl Sandburg the High School was totally gay. You're lucky that Dilf somehow still plays for "our team".
Okay, so maybe I didn't even know there was a Carl Sandburg High School.
There's a Ryne Sandburg Jr. High and a Carl Reiner Elementary School. Are those gay?
Also, I think it's just a little gay to want to get to the "meat" of the story.
Perhaps a whole lotta gay.
Evidently, it wasn't the scampi.
I think we've established that it was the sight of your nakedness.
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