Feb 15, 2008

Dude, you got a Nell!

Austin, TX Seems like Austin computer manufacturer has some egg on their face after sending person the body of late actress Nell Carter. Tim Jeffries of Birmingham, AL was stunned when he accepted shipment for what he thought was a Dell laptop. Jeffries was excited when he began to pry the delivery crate open with a crowbar. Only the excitement quickly turned to dismay when Jeffries found the rotting corpse of the former Give Me a Break star. "I thought the box was a bit large for what I thought would be a small laptop," said Jeffries. "I was hoping that there was just a lot of styrofoam inside."

Jeffries immediately called Dell customer service. After several hours on hold, Jeffries was able to discern that the shipping error was caused by a typo in Dell's inventory system. "I hope the Dell gets here soon," Jeffries said, "the Nell just won't allow me the frame rates I need to play WoW competitvely." Dell representatives refused to answer how many other orders the typo may have effected.


CTK said...

Alternatively, you could have gone with "Dude, you're getting a Mel" featuring the rotting corpse of Vic Tabak.

Ubermilf said...

Is Vic Tayback dead?

Ubermilf said...

It's been five days since you posted.

Let's pick up the pace.