May 23, 2008

One last pre-holiday weekend post

Cuke Skywalker at your service.
Just when I think I have found free time, I find photos like Cuke Skywalker and Ham Solo. Why do these people have so much free time and I don't? This is completely unfair and I would like Arlen Specter to look into this immediately.
I get 33 vacation days per year. That's right, with holidays I get about a month and a half off a year -- and I don't have time to dress up vegetables as Star Wars figurines. What do these people do to get this kind of freaking free time? I need to know!


Ubermilf said...

Don't you have any respect for the inherent dignity of vegetables?

You're a jerk.

Madame Termagant said...

I think he's cute!

The cucumber, not Darth Roker.