Mar 20, 2009

Ms. DuPage County Fair?

I remember when Jenna Thornton was Ms. DuPage County Fair. For some reason I remember her being fairly attractive. Somehow the footage I am seeing of last year's contest doesn't quite live up to my memories.


CTK said...

Something seems amiss here.

That said, I thought the winner was Wanda Sipple rather than Jenna Thornton, but I could be horribly mistaken. The only thing that I remember about Jenna was that her brother John was alleged to have said something like "if she wasn't my sister I'd be fucking her every night".

God Bless America.

Darth Roker said...

You are probably correct, since you keep records for them. Wanda Sipple sounds like it could be right. Either way, steep drop off in talent. What is happening to DG?

Ubermilf said...

If it was a Sipple, I'd bet it was Wendy rather than Wanda.

Who's Jenna Thornton? Also, Jenna Thornton's brother sounds gross. I want to kick him in the balls.