Jun 29, 2009

The World Needs More Darth!

That's what I have been hearing over the last few days. Ed McMahon is dead, where is Darth? Farrah's dead, where is Darth? Michael is dead, where is Darth? Fred Travalena is dead.

Here is Darth.

I know how you feel, the world wasn't right without all of us. Luckily, I can come out of my self-imposed retirement, these other greats can't.

I don't really have much to say other than I have really enjoyed my time away from the feeling that I have to write something of interest. It's very easy for me to be uninteresting. If I could be paid for it, I would make a career of it. I am a lot like the 4th Jonas brother, Todd. You know he is around, but you just don't know what he is up to, but he is around somewhere, drinking your beer.

The one thing I feel I need to say is that I don't want to hear anymore crap about separating Michael Jackson the entertainer from Michael Jackson the man. The fact that this person could dance backwards and wrote a number of #1 songs, doesn't make fondling little boys OK. You can't cut him in half and put the entertainer on stage and the pedophile in jail. The guy may have been talented, but he was a freaking mess. Please stop canonizing him and remember him as he should be, a talented man with a disgusting illness that bought his way out of jail. More importantly, Lord knows what he did to that poor little monkey.

Having said that, I am going to go flip on the VCR and watch some of Fred Travalena's greatest bloopers. That Angie Dickinson bit he does is rich.


Ubermilf said...

Why did you post today? It interrupted many blissful months of you not posting.

Also, I couldn't even click on a story whose headline was "7 Ways Michael Jackson Changed the World."

Ubermilf said...

I saw the cupcake painting over at Salty Chimp.

My birthday is September 16.