Described as two idiots and a well hung robotic puppet named DickPancakes, Maggot Twat aims to be the most awesomley stupid metal band in the universe. Formed in 1998 by brothers Pete and Dan Manzella, (Piz 'n' Spam Manwhat) Maggot Twats' mission was to grind against the grain of the death metal scene in Chicago. To piss against the wind of the angry folded arms, and seriousness of the genre. Their debut album "Stuffed Animal Orgy" was recorded and finished the summer of 1998. The album was recorded on a digital 8 track in their mothers basement.
Maggot Twat stage shows have grown into full out mutimedia productions, projecting pornographic images and nintendo games, puppet drummers, ball launching machines aimed at themselves, chicken feet launched into the crowd, unicycling across the stage, sawing instuments in half with a sawzall, blowing out fans eardrums with airhorns, eating cereal onstage with fans, diving into garbage cans loaded with broken glass (that only happened once) and nearly getting arrested for having the Barrington fire dept called on them.
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