Oct 23, 2007

Tired of Listening to the same old crap?

Looking for some sweet sounding ear candy to brighten your day? Then do not, I repeat do not look into Alabama Thunderpussy. If you want to lose control of your bladder and have blood spontaneously shoot from your ears, Alabama Thunderpussy is for you. According to Kerrang Magazine, "ATP possess the kind of punk rock edge that most of their reefer-toting peers would die for. Monster Magnet may be slicker and Unida may be classier, but truckstop rock doesn't come any finer than this. An extended forefinger to the face of fashion." Are you going to use your music as a motor oil? Do you want a doily with your rock? I didn't think so.

Note to self: Need to reorganize iTunes and add the new category of Truckstop rock. Further Note: Done.

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