Mar 26, 2008

Happy B-Day, CTK!

It's CTK's Birthday! Around these parts it's tradition to send a stripper as a present. But since your birthday falls just days after Easter, the traditional week of rest for the Eastern Whore, it was very difficult to find a suitable stripper for the occasion. So, while I know it's not the perfect gift, enjoy JoJo the Stripping Bear. Now just imagine JoJo disrobing to the tune of "Caribbean Queen." This may be the gift that keeps on giving.


CTK said...

Oh wow. It's going to be really hard for me to not masturbate at my desk today.


Darth Roker said...

just don't use liquid paper as a lubricant. I know from experience.

Ubermilf said...

Ha ha -- women don't need lubricants to masturbate. In your face, stupid boys!