In 1984 John Schnatter sold his pride and joy for $1,600 to fund his new pizza business. That business, Papa John’s Pizza has grown into 3,400 stores across America. Papa John wanted the source of his seed money back in his garage and paid $250,000 to get it.
Schnatter was so proud of his car that he has been using it in Papa John's commercials, in which he uses the cars to deliver pizzas. Unfortunately for Schnatter, while delivering a pizza for one of his TV commercials, Papa John's car was inspected by a local health inspector. During the inspection, 25 year-old condoms, semen stains, and cans of Keystone Light were found, forcing the health inspector to impound the car. Schnatter is on record as saying he will collect he car and give it a through cleaning. If I were you, I wouldn't order a pizza from Papa John's with "everything" for a while.
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