Jun 19, 2008

Is it wrong...

McCain lets out a belly laugh.

To refer to John McCain as "Grandpa?" Is thinking he is too old to be President some sort of ageism? McCain is almost 72. He openly states that he doesn't know how to use a computer, and that he leaves that task for his wife. My dad is about the same age and he has a hard time using the remote control for the TV set or the intermittent wipers on his car. He openly talks about his "prostrate," (whatever the hell that is) and likes to add the word "store" to the name of every retail shopping outlet (ex. "I am going to the Jewel Store to pick up some ice"). I honestly think he would have a hard time making a sandwich if my mother weren't around to do it for him. Some people state that McCain waffles on issues. Others say he forgets his stance due to age. Still others claim these gaffs to be "senior moments."

I have seen a number of stories about McCain being too old and Obama being too young, but I haven't seen any age comparisons to politicians and the actual workforce. Most public companies expect Senior Management to resign at 62 or 65. The people working in their 70's probably made some bad investments and are now wearing blue vests and welcoming people to Wal-Mart. While the 46 year-olds are just starting to get to the Board Room.

I don't know exactly what any of this means, except that for some time it has been understood that people at a certain age either "step out of the way of younger people," or "lose something off their fastball."

I dont' know if I am convinced that Grandpa is too old to be President, but I know I can't be convinced that Obama is too young to be President. After all, look where his elders have driven this nation over the past few years.